The Deep Lake - A Guided Journey
Follow me on a 22-minute Guided Shamanic Quantum Dream Journey, where you’ll travel to a deep, serene lake hidden within a magical forest. As you journey through this sacred landscape, you’ll merge with the lake itself, becoming one with its stillness, wisdom, and infinite connection to all that exists. Allow yourself to release, transform, and experience a profound sense of unity as you dissolve into the energy of the forest and the universe beyond. This journey is designed to guide you into a state of peace, interconnection, and inner clarity - a soul-deep experience that stays with you long after it ends.
Expect to experience something you’ve never experienced before. You can jump into the unknown, not knowing at all how it will be like, if you’ll like it or not, what might happen, or not. You can explore it with childlike wonder, curious and ready for anything. One thing is sure: you are always absolutely safe and loved.
You will receive a full upgrade, for your mind, your heart, your body, your soul, your whole existence, if you allow it.
Does this feel exciting to you? Good. Follow that excitement. Take a risk, jump into the unkNOWn. The abyss is a feather bed.
I promise you that.
I'm curious – €13
I love this – €22
I feel abundant – €33
Choose the price that feels most aligned for you with what you have right now and what you want to give. Through this, my meditations and journeys are accessible for everyone. If you do not have any sufficient funds and feel the call to try one of the meditations or journeys, just send me an email to yvonne@now-here.land and I will send it to you for free. I know you will pay it forward in your very own way.
Thank you for going on this journey with me.
The Deep Lake – A Guided Journey
22 min audio file for download after purchase
✨ Testimonials ✨
"Each journey with Yvonne is so magical and special. She is so creative and has such a sweet and calming voice that it is easy to fly into other dimensions. What I love the most is that she guides us always into incredible situations and also gives us the freedom to create our own trip. I feel really connected, peaceful, and learn a lot about the universe, myself, and my subconscious. When the journey is over I feel so happy, relaxed and already wishing another journey with and into Infinity."
"I've never meditated before and was amazed about how I was able to access a state of mind in this journey I thought was impossible for me to reach."
"I had no idea what to expect from this journey and I got surprised in the most fulfilling way. Would love to go on more journeys into the unknown with Yvonne. Her voice made me feel safe and loved, and I'm curious what else I can discover within the quantum space of my mind with Yvonne's guidance."
“It felt like being awake in a very vivid dream in which everything is possible. I’m curious for the advanced level journeys Yvonne plans on offering. I want more adventures in the quantum space.”
“Every journey with Yvonne is a unique, unforgettable experience, she's an incredibly talented interdimensional guide and storyteller. With her sweet warm voice she is able to guide you through a VERY vivid dream-state that triggers your imagination and allows you to travel deep into your inner world in a playful and easy way. During her guided journeys, I've been able to connect with my higher self/guides/spirit animals and receive very precious insights that helped me a lot in my daily life. I'm very grateful to have her in my life, and I recommend this experience to everyone, especially to those who don't have any kind of previous spiritual experience.”